Find out more about InQube Uniwersytecki Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości in Wrocław (Academic Incubator of Entrepreneurship at Wroclaw University) where entrepreneurs can get lots of support and in which they can learn how to develop their skills and become fully-fledged business people. A modern complex called InQube, which was opened on 21 October, offers about 700 square meters of office spaces, meeting rooms, fun and relaxation zones, teleconference rooms, and communal areas.
To respond to the ever-growing trend of co-sharing, the area of up to 200 square meters of the Incubator is being used as a vibrating with colours and positive energy co-working place.
We are pleased to say that it is BALMA furniture and NOTI Furniture that have built in Wroclaw the creative space for business.
Implementation: Lobos Furniture