Floo responds to the natural human need for interaction with nature in the workplace. Biophilic design uses potted plants to create natural working and living conditions. In offices without plants, work is less efficient, while in offices with a large number of plants, indicators are much better. It is estimated that the difference can reach up to 15%. The modular and compatible Floo planters collection offers standing and hanging planters, as well as wall panels, available in 4000 different configurations
Designer :
Aleksandra Hyz i Aleksandra Mętlewicz
We like systems in many dimensions, but we can confidently say that the Floo plant display and wall panel system is our reason for pride. From numerous studies and our own experience, we know how important plants are in the office and at home. We use our knowledge whenever we can, which is why we have dedicated an entire system in our offer to plants, allowing them to be displayed according to personal preference. The plant display system is dedicated to showcasing plants, but it is also a multi-functional accessory system, as Floo planters can also serve as shelves or organizers.
Floo planters are not only aesthetic geometry, but above all almost unlimited configuration possibilities. We have prepared proposals for individual planters in our permanent offer, but we highly value individual approach and the own visions of plant lovers, which is why we have the possibility to configure your dream planter. In a few simple steps, you can design your own version, and we will produce it with great pleasure.
Fabryka Mebli BALMA SA
ul. Poznańska 167
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne
NIP: PL7772337068
REGON: 631282560
BDO: 000011700
Sąd Rejonowy w Poznaniu VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego KRS 0000097896. Kapitał akcyjny: 8.300.000 PLN
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