Multibase is a system of single and double desks as well as multi-person workstations, offering a wide range of arrangement and expansion options. Its essence is a simple mounting system for attaching any legs to universal tabletops. Multibase desks are available in two tabletop depth options: 70 and 80 cm. Additionally, some frame versions allow for manual height adjustment, enabling the furniture to be adapted to the individual needs of users and expanding the adaptability of the workspace.
Aesthetes will appreciate the Mixt frame in version B, which adds unique visual qualities to the functionality of the desk.
A huge convenience are desks on wheels. This mobile version of desks allows for easy movement of desks within the room, making changes to interior spaces easy, with minimal effort and time.
Aesthetes will appreciate the Mixt frame in version B, which adds unique visual qualities to the functionality of the desk.
A huge convenience is the desk on wheels. This mobile version of the desk allows for easy movement of desks within the room, making changes to interior spaces easy, with minimal effort and time.
Designer :
Balma Design Team
Multibase is a system of desks with an extremely functional design. There are several types and shapes of legs to choose from, which allow you to adjust the furniture to your needs. With their help, you can build single and double desks, multi-person workstations, free-standing or supported on cabinets. The universal design of Multibase desks allows you to modify the desk at any time, even when it is already in your office.
All Multibase desks are equipped with sliding tops that are comfortable to use. This is a solution that provides easy access to the cable channel located under the worktop. Thanks to this, we keep order on the desk and at the same time nothing limits our mobility, giving us the freedom to connect the necessary devices without unnecessary acrobatics around the desk.
Fabryka Mebli BALMA SA
ul. Poznańska 167
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne
NIP: PL7772337068
REGON: 631282560
BDO: 000011700
Sąd Rejonowy w Poznaniu VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego KRS 0000097896. Kapitał akcyjny: 8.300.000 PLN
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