Once again, we are pleased to be a partner of ABSL Poland summit. This year's edition will take place from May 30 to June 1 in the interiors of the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra NOSPR in Katowice.
As every year, it will be an opportunity to meet with business people, representatives of local governments and speakers who will bring closer the challenges we are struggling with in the currently dynamic reality.
The whole event will be based on the latest market trends and will discuss the challenges in three statements:
- Leadership in times of crisis / Only courageous leaders can make the economy grow.
- A strategy based on fact or fiction/insight as the engine of resilient business.
- Socio-economic landscape / Open talent economy and uncertain future define a new reality.
Between events, you can relax or work in the meeting and work zones, equipped with our furniture.
More information about the ABSL summit conference: https://absl.pl/.../absl-summit-facing-challenging-future
Registration: https://abslsummit.conrego.pl
Fabryka Mebli BALMA SA
ul. Poznańska 167
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne
NIP: PL7772337068
REGON: 631282560
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Sąd Rejonowy w Poznaniu VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego KRS 0000097896. Kapitał akcyjny: 8.300.000 PLN
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